A 1-Button Jam Challenge

Hello, here I am again who made another game for another yet game jam (I really should take my rest lol).

This time, the submission is for the 1-Button Jam 2022! This is my first time making such a game with given constraints and therefore I was really invigorated while making this silly game.

In this game, I decided that, well, the one-button limit should not be only limited in-game, but be available to the main menu and its submenus as well. As you can see (if you already played it), I went with the orbital thingy and by using the spacebar key to change directions and confirm stuff, almost anything can be done ONLY with it.

Err so that's it, yeah, it was fun making this. I need my coffee.


Orbit_Block_Windows_x64.zip 26 MB
Nov 23, 2022
Orbit_Block_Windows_x32.zip 26 MB
Nov 23, 2022
Orbit_Block_Linux_x64.zip 27 MB
Nov 23, 2022
Nov 23, 2022

Get Orbit Block


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Interesting concept. Neat how you worked within the rules for the menu too!


Thank you! I also thought at that time that it would be a waste if I do not make a menu for this, and so I added those scenes.

Also the way it works is that these texts are not button at all. They are Area2Ds which names corresponds to the next scene they will go into, and that moon has the Area2D to detect them.

I never implemented that kind of menu system before so it was really fun experience (big deal for me frankly haha)!